Knocking, looking, measuring...

With a steel vessel, the first step is always to tap the vessel to discover any weak or suspicious spots. Also on the inside, the state of the ship is examined as closely as possible. Namely corrosion… This almost always comes from inside.

Next, the surface thickness (‘hull thickness’) is measured with an ultrasonic measuring instrument. Here, only one side of the material needs to be measured and therefore no holes need to be drilled in the ship. An ultrasonic surface thickness measurement in fact measures the plate thickness of a steel, iron or aluminium vessel below the waterline. This means that each type of alloy has its own special characteristic that must be taken into account. Of course, it is also possible to have a thickness measurement taken above the waterline. For example, the wall thickness of the mast. For further details, see the website.

Thickness measurement steel

Although the gauge can also measure through layers of paint, I only measure on the bare metal. Experience shows that this is the best way to get accurate readings on a boat. In other words: Because you would like to have certainty, the best way is to remove the paint system at the measurement points (approx. 1 cm² per point) down to the bare metal.


Immediately after the measurement, the findings become very clear to you as a customer and will be discussed.

A clear survey report will be drawn up afterwards. This includes a starboard and port side view of the underwater ship, with the points that were measured.

Extra service

During the survey, the rivets, anodes, propeller shaft clearance, propeller, bow thruster, rudder bearings and rudder blade are also examined.

As one of the inspectors in the country, I can print out the inspection report for you on the spot and documents of interest can be scanned for later use regarding your survey.

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